Seeking | A job search manager

Seeking is a Job Search Manager, which allows you to record, track, and view your job search journey. However, this topic was mostly a way to justify my main objective: to learn more in-depth about FastAPI and Next.js.

FastAPI / Next.js 14+ / Material UI / react-hook-form / zod / openapi / ..

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CRIPT | Polymer Research

Since August 2022, I am working as a Front-end Software Engineer for polymer research in MIT (ChemE dept.).

« The Community Resource for Innovation in Polymer Technology (CRIPT) provides a platform for people working in polymer science and engineering to capture and share data. CRIPT is led by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) along with collaborators in Academia, Industry, and Government, with support from the Convergence Accelerator Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) »

sources:, publication

My role:

  • Contribute and maintain a web app (React, Vite) and multiple libraries (TS, Rollup, npm)
  • Write ingestion scripts in TypeScript and Python (pandas, CRIPT SDK)
  • Create dynamic visualisations (React, Plotly)
  • Unit tests, e2e tests and CI scripts (Jest, Cypress, GithubActions)
  • Estimate tasks to help plan the production
  • Contribute to scientific publication.

React / Vite / Typescript / Plotly / Python / GitHub / Jest / Cypress / Docker

Let’s try React!


After implementing the PHP backend working with the Angular front-end, I was curious about other front-end framework alternatives. I heard a lot about React and Vue, and I decided to choose React because of the low effort it seems to require to get quick results. I started to implement a simple page to display a joke slideshow, something close to the original Angular version, but with a slightly different style. The figure below shows a capture of the single page using React.

WIP React front-end | Joke slideshow

You can browse the page by following the link here, the source code is here. More info below.

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