I worked 2 years and a half as a Frontend Software Engineer for the geospatial field in Geomatys (Montpellier, south France)
My main tasks were to:
- Develop as a team a web-based cartographic client using the Angular framework using libraries (CesiumJS, MaterialDesign, etc. ) to increase the speed of delivering a such an application but with configurable options.
- Implement CI/CD for our generic cartographic client using GitlabCI, docker, and bash to get a better quality code base (unit tests, end-to-end) and a ready-to-deploy application using docker images.
- Maintain and improve an internal Angular library to aggregate our common code for reuse in all our projects.
- Read and implement a graphic identity using open source image editors (vector and pixel), HTML, CSS and JS to produce accurate and beautiful proof of concept websites to unlock budgets.
Angular 2+ / Docker / Gitlab CI / Cesium JS / Typescript / NodeJS / IntelliJ IDEA
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