On Socrastination we practice the Socratic dialogue. Around various predefined themes, two participants confront each other by a verbal joust trying to convince each other. The players must also convince the referees, who are responsible for assigning a bonus or a penalty to each of their arguments.
This website is a final year project of DUT Informatique in special year realized in 2016 by Camille Chac, Maxime Ferrer, Clément Roig and myself. This project was tutored by Madalina Croitoru (Professor UM2 and member of the INRIA GraphIK research team at LIRMM).
Here are the different infrastructures and technologies we used on this project. A certain number of services were already proposed by the IUT (MySQL, Apache, PHP), so we adapted to this pre-existing configuration:
The analysis and design methods that our teachers gave us, allowed us to produce LaTeX documents illustrated with professional quality UML diagrams.
My experience in computer graphics allowed me to produce (under the control of the group) images whose colorimetry and graphics were elegantly combined with the imposed theme. Below, a screenshot of the list of forums, an image being modified (with GIMP), and a detail of the style sheet (CSS) used to generate the play button.